CBTC and GoA level 3 for Jabodebek LRT Operation

BEKASI (14/02) - The operation of the Jabodebek Light Rail Transit (LRT), which will begin operating in July 2023, has long been anticipated by the majority of the Indonesian population, particularly those living in the Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, and Bekasi regions. Train sets to stations are one of the many operations-related preparations that are still being expedited.

Based on Presidential Regulation (Perpres) Number 98/2015 about the Acceleration of the Implementation of Integrated Light Rail / Light Rail Transit in the Jakarta area, the Jabodebek LRT development was created. Depok, Bogor, and Bekasi.

The Jabodebek LRT will be run by a Communication-Based-Train Control (CBTC) system with Grade of Automotion (GoA) level 3.

CBTC is the most recent breakthrough in railway signaling systems. In modern digital age, all devices, including train signaling systems, can be linked via data communication networks. CBTC has the ability to determine the position of the train with accuracy and precision, as well as to conduct continuous two-way data communication with large data capacity between trains and devices distributed along the tracks to ensure trains remain at a safe distance from other trains.

CBTC is a communication-based railway operation technology that allows trains and project schedules to be operated autonomously from the operation control center and without the need for a machinist.

The main objective of CBTC is to enhance track capacity by altering the distance between trains to be closer but still safe. In terms of safety, the CBTC signaling system will identify overspeeding trains.

Train detection is accomplished through the use of radio devices or Wayside Radio Sets (WRS) installed on the track and in the train. The radio is linked to the OCC (Operational Control Center). As a result, the train will run without a machinist and will be controlled by the OCC.

Meanwhile, Grade of Automation (GoA) is a level of operational automation in which transportation or trains are operated without the assistance of a machinist but still have a Train Attendant on board to handle the train in an emergency.

The Ministry of Transportation determined the usage of GoA for LRT Jabodebek itself via Decree of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia KP Number 765/2017.

It has been secured in terms of security and safety by Automatic Train Protection (ATP) and Interlocking & Zone Controller to ensure that there are no route creation faults and to distribute LRT operation control authorizations.

Another advantage of using the GoA level 3 system is that all railway operations are performed automatically, reducing the potential of accidents due to human error, increasing train schedule accuracy, and optimizing travel times.

PR of Railway Testing Center

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