Implementation of the Railroad Switch Test on the Railway

BEKASI – In the train service, a safe, smooth and safe train journey is the main and important thing. However, this will not be possible without a good railway line.

Therefore, the railroad (rail) and all parts of its construction are a very important parts. The railway line (rail) certainly has a variety of constructions, each of which has its own function which strongly supports the performance of the railway line itself. One of the constructions on the railroad (rail) is a draft.

A railroad switch is the construction of a branching (intersecting) railway line where the direction of the railway line (rail) is transferred. This railroad switch is also a tool to connect two or three tracks and change the direction of the railroad (rail) from one direction to another.

Railroad switch is the most complex railroad (rail) line construction with several main terms and conditions that must be complied with. Notes consist of the following components:

  1. Point blades is the movable part of the railroad switch.
  2.  Frog (common crossing)- the part of the draft that allows the wheel flange to pass through the planes of the road that are disconnected between two railroads (rails).
  3. A switch motor is a railway line (rail) whose body is reinforced which is useful for leaning on the tongue of the draft.
  4. A Guard rail, are made of ordinary rail (rails) with both ends bent inward.
  5. Points Lever

Because it is a complex construction, before the train operates, the draft is one of the items that must be tested.

The Railways Examining Office of the Directorate General of Railways dispatched the Railways Infrastructure Examining Team to carry out testing on one of the test items, namely the draft on the Great Jakarta LRT infrastructure development work between Cawang Station to Harjamukti Station crosses Cawang – Cibubur.

Some of the items included in the test of railroad switch are as follows:

  1. The width of the railway line (rail) for straight lines and turns.
  2. Width of the point blade for straight lines and turns.
  3. Guard rail gap width for straight lines and turns.

Meanwhile, the tools used to test money orders are:

  1. A tape measure, also known as a tape measure or also known as a RollMeter, is a length measuring instrument that can be rolled up.
  2. The Feeler Gauge often called the Thickness Gauge, is used to measure the gap between two parts, namely the railroad (rail) and the mooring.
  3. Track Meter Gauge

The results of the tests that have been carried out will be submitted to the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure for monitoring and evaluation as well as processing for the issuance of certificates.



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