Track Motor Car (TMC), The Tiny Versatile!

BEKASI – Railways Facilities are not only limited to KRL, KRD, Locomotives, or Passenger Trains that we usually see every day. There are other railway facilities in the form of special equipment units that can support train operations, one of which is the Track Motor Car or TMC.

TMC is an all-in-one specialized equipment. Despite its small size, TMC is strong and functions to pull a series of trains in shunt activities (moving or arranging a series of trains).

Not only tasked with slashing trains at the depot, TMC also functions to assist maintenance activities for railroads (rails), such as rails or bearings because they are also equipped with cranes.

According to the Regulation of the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Number: PM. 16 of 2011 concerning Standards, Procedures for Testing and Certification of Special Equipment, TMC must also undergo the first test and periodic tests. Testing activities are carried out by the Railways Facilities Testing Team from the Railways Examining Office. The test consists of static and dynamic tests.

The Railways Facilities Testing Team will ensure the condition of the facilities is feasible to operate and in accordance with the technical specifications that have been determined.

The results of the tests that have been carried out will be submitted to the Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock for further processing of certificate issuance.


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