Routine Morning Calls for BTP Palembang Employees

Palembang, Wednesday / 8 March 2023

Class II Palembang Railway Engineering Center Carrying out Routine Morning Calls for all ASN and VAT in the Palembang BTP office environment.

In order to foster and strengthen the relationship and optimize and improve performance between employees, a routine morning assembly is held for all Echelon officials and all staff carry out the morning assembly.

Morning Apples led by Head of LSKP (Mr. Reinaldo Butar Butar) as Apple inspector. As for the mandate conveyed regarding the Circular of the Director General of Railways concerning the Prohibition of Displaying Property and Luxury for State Civil Apparatuses within the Directorate General of Railways, especially at the Class II Palembang Railway Engineering Center. It is hoped that all ASN and PPNPN employees will be able to guide and comply with this circular letter.

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