Director General of Railways asks for local government support in West Sumatra, realizing railway reactivation

KBRN, Bukittinggi: The Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia has designated West Sumatra as one of the country's pilot locations for railway safety.

Director General of Railways Ir. M. Risal Wasal, A.TD, MM, IPM said virtually in the Railway Regulation Counseling activity on Wednesday (24-5-2023) that the reactivation of trains in West Sumatra will offer benefits comparable to strengthening the tourism sector and the area economy. This is a challenge issued by the Directorate General of Railways.

"How can we start to reactivate railway development in West Sumatra, because we want West Sumatra, tourism, and the economy to benefit?" "How to activate it is a challenge for us," he added.

According to reports, the railway reactivation effort in West Sumatra would be achieved by operating the jagged train. His party has performed research in order to implement this strategy, so that the acceleration may be carried out with understanding.

"One of the closest reactivations that we expect is how we revive the serrated train in West Sumatra, as one of West Sumatra's tourist cities." We've completed the research, Mr. Governor; all that remains is for us to sit down and execute the acceleration. "Comrades from PT KAI operators are also prepared to begin reusing jagged trains in West Sumatra," he stated.

However, in the midst of efforts to accelerate the reactivation of railway development in the realm of Minang, there are problems that must get serious attention. in West Sumatra, it was found that there were railway  assets that were lost, stolen by irresponsible people. The missing assets will certainly have an impact on the operation of the train if it will be started later.

"We will reactivate West Sumatra areas for railway development, regional development, and economic growth." However, there are certain issues, such as the absence of some of our installed items. Mr. Governor, our railway assets were lost over a 7-kilometer length in West Sumatra. Mr. Governor, on this occasion. If feasible, we want support from the West Sumatra Provincial Government, Regency Government, and City Government in order to jointly maintain the installed railway assets until we are ready to recommence train operations in West Sumatra," he explained.

M.Risal Wasal, Director General of Railways, stated that his party has begun the reactivation of trains on a number of lines, with the intention of expanding and adding lines in the future to meet public demand.

"We all know that the airport train already exists in West Sumatra, and it has begun in Kayu Tanam, so we have begun the reactivation of trains in West Sumatra." "How do we improve and add open lines for the community's benefit?" he said.

He mentioned that regional heads such as regents and mayors can utilize train station land, this can be discussed with the Directorate General of Railways.

"There are regents and mayors who want to utilize the railway station land, we can discuss how to utilize existing assets for the benefit of the community and regional economic growth. In essence, Buya, the Directorate General of Railways is looking forward to and expects the support of the provincial government in West Sumatra, Governors, Mayors and Regents so that together we increase the role of railways," he said.
He conveyed that the Railway Regulation Counselling Activity held at the Bung Hatta Palace Hall Bukittinggi was organized by the Directorate of Railway Safety.
"Today Buya, we have four directorates (safety directorate, facilities directorate, traffic directorate and infrastructure directorate). Well, today the one who has activities is from the directorate of safety which has the main task so that railway services run safely and safely, including the crossing gates," he explained.
In West Sumatra, there are currently quite a lot of level crossings that need to be addressed so that no traffic accidents occur, especially since the railway tracks are in residential areas.
"Well, the railway crossing is also our focus in West Sumatra, how to improve the safety of road users at the crossing points. West Sumatra is one of our pilots, how to handle level crossings, we also ask for support. We must prevent accidents at level crossings, and railway tracks in residential areas," he said.
He added that efforts to prevent accidents between trains and community vehicles need to be followed up with joint discussions so that railway lines and crossings are safer.
"How are the railway tracks and crossings more safety, whether they are fenced, or in what way, well that's what we will discuss together, so there is input from the participants of the railway regulation counselling activities," he added.
It is known, this railway regulation counselling activity was attended by regional heads or their representatives, this event included heads of vertical agencies, related OPDs, academics, organizations / communities, sub-district heads, and traditional leaders to jointly provide input for the realization of railway safety in the realm of Minang.


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