Received The First Rank in Budget Absorption, Directorate of Railways Infrastructure Committed to Improve Performance

Jakarta (8/4) - In the 2020 Fiscal Year, the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure received four awards given by the Secretary of the Directorate General of Railways represented by the Head of Planning Division , a.i., Tuesday (6/4). The award was received by the Head of Administration Subsection of the Directorate of Infrastructure, Dewi Hestiwijayanti who represented the Director of Railways Infrastructure.

The Directorate of Infrastructure won first place in several categories, including First Rank in the Work Unit with the Best Performance Reporting Compliance in 2020, First Place in the Best Absorption Category with a Budget Ceiling above 1 Trillion, First Rank in the Best Performance Achievement Category in the First Quarter of 2020, and First Rank The Best Performance Achievement Category for the Second Quarter of 2020.

Receiving the award, Hesti expressed her gratitude to the employees of the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure during the opportunity for Monitoring and Evaluation of Quarter I Performance Achievements which took place in Bogor, Thursday (8/4).

“Thank you to all parties in the infrastructure directorate for their support and cooperation so far. I hope we can continue to be enthusiastic and improve our performance to be even better,” he said.

In addition, Hesti also appealed to all sub-directorates and work units to work together in order to maintain the achievements that have been achieved.

"Hopefully we can maintain this ranking for 2021 and the years to come," he added.

In monitoring and evaluating the performance achievements of the first quarter organized by the Administrative Section of the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure, in addition to evaluating activities for the last 3 months, it also intends to provide tangible evidence of the activities of the Directorate of Infrastructure which will later be included in the monitoring report on the performance achievements of the first quarter and reports year 2021.

This activity, which is supported and attended by representatives of all work units within the Directorate of Railways Infrastructure, is the implementation of the Minister of Transportation Regulation no. 85 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of the Accountability System for Government Agencies.

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