Railway Maintenance Bulletin Q3 2024 Edition

Hello! Warm greetings, Railway Maintenance Newsletter Readers!

The September 2024 edition of the Railway Maintenance Bulletin or Quarter III 2024 has been published, which will be released in October 2024. Readers can enjoy various issues that arise at the Railway Maintenance Center during the third quarter of 2024, between July and September 2024.

Some of these issues include the celebration of National Transportation Day 2024 with the theme "Advanced Transportation, New Archipelago", an important moment to reflect on the progress and contribution of the transportation sector in nation building. Through this momentum, the Railway Maintenance Center is committed to continuing to play an active role in supporting this vision through carrying out various maintenance tasks and operating state-owned facilities, and various activities aimed at improving the quality and safety of railway transportation in Indonesia.

In this edition, we invite readers to pay attention to several institutional activities that have taken place in the last few months. One of the main highlights was the signing of a cooperation agreement with PT KCI relating to the utilization of Depok KRL Depot assets which was carried out this September.

Apart from that, there is also a follow-up from the Baperka Squad (the nickname for Railway Maintenance Center Staff) regarding the operations of the Solo Jebres KRL Depot, which has also just signed a contract in August 2024. This step is expected to increase operational efficiency and effectiveness in train maintenance, and provide more benefits to society.

We will also provide special coverage regarding the maintenance and operation of the Multi Tie Tamper, a railway facility that plays an important role in maintaining rail lines on various railway lines on the island of Java. This innovation is part of the Railway Maintenance Center's efforts to ensure the safety and comfort of train travel.

On the facility maintenance side, the Baperka Squad continues to carry out crucial maintenance activities, keeping all facilities and equipment in optimal condition. Apart from that, there is also coverage regarding the active participation of the Baperka Squad in various Technical Guidance which aims to increase the capacity and competence of human resources in the railway sector.

Finally, the Railway Maintenance Editorial would like to wish you a happy reading and hope that the information presented will provide benefits and entertainment. Thank you all for your support and attention #friendsbaperka! Thank You (yogo)

Railway Maintenance Bulletin Q3 2024 Edition
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