Dinkop-UKM Grobogan Supports the Establishment of Cooperatives at the Railway Maintenance Center

Purwodadi – The Railway Maintenance Center is exploring the possibility of establishing an employee cooperative to improve the welfare of employees and society in general. Cooperatives, which are under government institutions, are one form of effort in the context of realizing an advanced, just and prosperous society based on Pancasila and the 1945 Constitution.


Realizing this, the Railway Maintenance Center has the potential to form a cooperative legal entity, with more than one hundred employees. The existence of these employees is a source of strength that can be developed, as well as to realize modern government institutions that are innovative in developing their potential.


With the existence of cooperatives in the future, institutions will not only be able to develop their inherent duties, but can more broadly touch on the management of state assets to increase the added value of the institution.


To realize these goals, the Railway Maintenance Center visited the Office of Cooperatives and Small and Medium Enterprises in Grobogan Regency, on Wednesday (13/10/2021). Apart from studying the mechanism for establishing cooperatives directly at the source, this activity is also intended as a means to establish communication and collaboration between central government agencies and local government agencies.


In line with the spirit of the core value of "BerAKHLAK" which was launched by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in mid-2021 as the basic values ??of ASN to accelerate the transformation of ASN. Collaboration is one of these values. The visit is a form of collaboration carried out together with stakeholders around the working area of ??the Railway Maintenance Center.


It should be noted that the Railway Maintenance Center is the only UPT directly under the Ministry of Transportation which is in the administrative area of ??the Grobogan Regency Government. The Railway Maintenance Center was received by the leadership of the Dinkop-UKM Grobogan, represented by the Head of the Institutional and Licensing Section, Lilik Sulistyono.


"Cooperatives are present as one of the economic institutions as the foundation of the people's economy and pillars of the Indonesian economy, especially as an institution for the Railway Maintenance Center which has many employees in it," said Lilik in the discussion.


Lilik said, during the Covid 19 pandemic, the existence of cooperatives in Grobogan Regency could survive even though they were affected. Until the time of the visit, there were 530 cooperative institutions registered at the Dinkop-UKM Grobogan. "If the Railway Care Center employee cooperative is formed, there will be 531 cooperatives in Grobogan Regency," explained Lilik, who previously served at Dr. RSUD. R. Soedjati Purwodadi Grobogan.


Economic activity has been seen stretching after the covid 19 explosion that occurred in mid-2021. It can be seen that both members and prospective members of cooperatives still take advantage of the existence of cooperatives, credit installments continue to improve in installment obligations, despite restructuring or relaxation considering the pandemic situation, as well as in terms of savings funds in the cooperative.


“Cooperatives will be formed and can exist, depending on the intentions and readiness of the management. Especially the goal is to prosper the members themselves,” said Lilik as an effort to support the existence of cooperatives as an independent institution.


With regard to the position of cooperatives and cooperative members, it should be emphasized that cooperative members own the cooperative. Because that's where a cooperative begins (raison d'etre). Members are owners and users of cooperative services, according to the dictum as stated in Article 17 of Law Number 25 of 1992.


Lilik admits that forming a cooperative is actually easy. Provided that the requirements are met, among others, consists of a minimum of 9 people with a minimum initial capital of Rp. 15 million, as well as a number of other administrative requirements, according to Lilik, the cooperative can already be established.


As written in the 2016-2021 Strategic Plan of the Cooperatives, Small and Medium Enterprises Office of Grobogan Regency, Grobogan Regency is one of the regencies in the Kedungsapur Economic Growth Area which is one of the National Area Development Centers (PKN) in the Central Java Provincial Spatial Plan. The Kedungsapur area with a growth center in Semarang City and supporting areas include Demak Regency, Grobogan Regency, Kendal Regency, Semarang Regency and Salatiga City.


In the context of regional development, the Grobogan Regency Government has issued Regional Regulation Number 7 of 2012 concerning the Grobogan Regency City Spatial Planning (RTRW) 2011-2031, which is a policy direction for regional spatial planning and has determined space for the development of the industrial, trade and service sectors as well as agriculture, fisheries, plantations, forestry and residential areas. From the study and study of the RTRW of Grobogan Regency, development programs related to increasing regional income and managing regional assets take into account the provisions and permits in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. (yog)