Ministry of Transportation: Update on BMN Management Provisions 2024

The Ministry of Transportation has made changes to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 58 of 2022 concerning the Delegation of Part of the Authority and Responsibility for Management of State Property from Property Users in the Form of Mandate to Officials within the Ministry of Transportation through Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number KM 16 of 2024.

This was done to improve BMN management within the Ministry of Transportation in accordance with good governance.

State property or abbreviated as BMN are state assets whose management must be orderly and accountable in accordance with the provisions of applicable laws and regulations and do not conflict with the provisions of laws and regulations where responsibility starts from the source or input, the process carried out, to the results or output obtained.

Changes to these provisions are the subject of discussion on the agenda for Technical Guidance on Management and Inventory of State-Owned Assets in the Office Sector within the Directorate General of Railways. The discussion agenda was initiated by the Secretariat General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation, as a form of dissemination of changes to provisions regarding BMN management.

The provisions for changes to Minister of Transportation Decree Number KM 16 of 2024 are an interesting presentation. The material was delivered by the BMN Procurement and Management Services Bureau, Secretariat General of the Ministry of Transportation.

In general, changes occur in the addition of BMN objects that are included in the new delegation of authority, then changes to the time period provisions related to proposed BMN utilization and its extension, to the granting of authority to the Head of Office/UPT/Work Unit regarding the borrowing and use of certain BMN. In some items there are vertical mechanisms that are abolished and then changed to internal processes.

Apart from changes to the internal provisions of the Ministry of Transportation. The Ministry of Finance, Directorate General of State Assets was present as a resource person through the Jakarta I State Assets and Auction Services Office (KPKNL).

KPKNL provided a review of the mechanism for eliminating BMN, through sales, exchange, grants and central government capital participation.

The government is obliged to safeguard State Property which includes physical security, administrative security, an administrative system is needed that can create control (Control) of State Property which functions as a means of control, this administration system must also be able to meet needs. government management in government management planning.

BMN management is guided by PP Number 27 of 2014 concerning Management of State Property as amended by PP Number 28 of 2020 and Minister of Finance Regulation Number 115/PMK.06/2014 concerning Procedures for Implementing the Use of State Property as amended by Minister of Finance Regulation Number 76/ PMK.06/2019. In 2020, Minister of Finance Regulation Number 115/PMK.06/2020 concerning the Utilization of State Property was issued. (yogo)

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