Biggest Electrik Railway Train Workshop Performance In Asean: Depok Depok

Depok KRL Depot The depot occupies an area of ​​approximately 26 hectares and a building area of ​​no less than 16,605 square meters. Located in Ratu Jaya, Cipayung District, Depok City, West Java, the state assets managed by the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA) are collaborated through the DJKA Railway Maintenance Center with PT Kereta Commuter Indonesia (KCI).

When visiting the Depok KRL Depot emplacement, we will be treated to a stretch of railway track that stretches like a football field. As far as the eye can see from the base of the rail line at the end of the Depot entrance, it seems unable to reach the end of the KRL Maintenance Depot Workshop building which is 1.3 km to the back of the area.

The land and facilities of the Depok KRL Depot are connected to the Depok Station rail line. The depot is equipped with three-story office building facilities for KRL operator management operations, then besides the main building, there is an operational office including a facility operations room (Opsar), Daily Maintenance staff room, Quality Control staff room and mess building. Apart from that, there is a Signal House building for controlling train traffic inside the Depot.

The depot has at least 14 KRL stabling lines which are connected to 11 inspection lines in the KRL maintenance workshop building facilities. As mentioned above, the route is up to 1.3 km long, stretching from the end of the workshop building to the mouth of the connecting route with the Depok Station highway. All lines are connected to LAA (Upstream Electricity).

The line can accommodate a total of up to 448 trains.

There are two types of train lines. Stabling line and inspection line. The stabling line can accommodate a total of 28 trainsets with a stamformation of 12 trains per trainset, meaning it can accommodate 336 trains.

Meanwhile, the inspection track can accommodate 11 trainsets, 2 trainsets each with a stamformation of 8 trains, 6 trainsets with a stamformation of 10 trains and 3 trainsets with a stamformation of 12 trains, meaning that the inspection track can accommodate a total of 112 trains.

Depok Depo has KRL maintenance facilities in the form of a workshop building for KRL maintenance which is connected to 11 inspection routes. Includes 2 rail lines connected to the facility washing facility, 4 rail lines connected to the monthly maintenance workshop building (Monthly Check), 2 rail lines connected to the overhaul maintenance building, 1 line connected to the train wheel lathe workshop facility, and 2 other lines as a stabling place .

The monthly maintenance and overhaul workshop building is equipped with Monthly Check, Annual Check staff work rooms, and Overhaul maintenance staff rooms, apart from that there is a Logistics, Tools and Used Spare Parts and New Spare Parts warehouse.

With the support of these various facilities, the Depok KRL Depot has the capacity to maintain 2 trainsets or 24 KRL units per day, or at least in one month an average of 33 trainsets are maintained, with a maximum of 342 trains per month.

The maintenance carried out varies from monthly (P1), three-monthly (P3), six-monthly (P6), annually (P12), bi-annual (P24) to four-yearly (P48) maintenance, apart from the daily maintenance (daily check) that is carried out routinely according to needs in the field. It is hoped that this maintenance performance can improve the safety, security and comfort of Jabodetabek KRL passengers.

Apart from that, the Depok KRL Depot is also equipped with various supporting equipment such as overhead cranes with a capacity of 7.5 tonnes and 20 tonnes. and other lifting equipment, lifting jacks, forklifts, wheel diameter measuring equipment, hydraulic tools, as well as connection to an electrical substation of 1,000 Kva and equipped with a generator with a capacity of 50 Kva to anticipate power outages. To supply clean water, a hydrant installation and a waste water treatment plant (IPAL) are installed so that it does not disturb the environment.

Apart from that, there are no less than 50 KRL train checking equipment and machinery for Railway Maintenance Center assets used at the Depok KRL Depot.

The depot is designed to ensure KRL facilities are always in operational condition, with various superior facilities for storing, checking, maintaining and repairing KRL facilities and their supporting components.

This facility aims to support the maintenance of KRL facilities so that it can improve safety, security and comfort in KRL operational services.

Through this collaboration, it is hoped that it can strengthen synergy and collaboration between regulators and railway operators, in order to advance railway transportation in Indonesia, especially urban rail transportation services. (yogo)

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