(Ciawi) KH. Thoriq Hidayat Member of Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives made a Field Visit of Labor-Intensive Activities for Maintenance of Railways Infrastructure in the Tasikmalaya Region, located in Ciawi KM 252+053 plot of Jalan Ciawi – Rajapolah, Tuesday (26/10).

The visit was also accompanied by Harno Trimadi, Director of Railways Infrastructure and Erni Basri, Head of the West Java Regional Railways Engineering Office, along with local officials and Muspida.

Thoriq Hidayat expressed his gratitude for the response from the Directorate General of Railways to the proposal he submitted during the meeting with the Ministry of Transportation, "Thank you to all of the railways who have responded to what I proposed during a meeting with the railways, namely the Ministry of Transportation. At that time, what I said was that this route was quite long, which was 70 km. Even trains are quite popular transportation in the community and there are several reasons that make people choose trains, especially during the pandemic," said Thoriq in his speech.
Thoriq also added that for traveling within the city, using trains is considered faster because it does not take time, then trains are more environmentally friendly by producing less gas emissions, using trains can also make it possible to visit small cities. Thoriq also expressed his appreciation for the ongoing work-intensive program and hoped that in the future it could be added to other regions.

He also suggested that this labor-intensive program could be extended to the Cirahong area and that repairs could be made immediately and safeguards would be given to prevent suicides from happening again. Thoriq said that if the labor-intensive program can be implemented effectively, it will greatly help the community's economy and hopes that it will continue.

Harno Trimadi conveyed future plans related to the labor-intensive program "We convey that we are indeed trying this labor-intensive activity starting this year (at the Railways Maintenance Unit)

Harno also hopes that in the future, more people will be involved in maintaining railway infrastructure, in this case, railroads. Harno also added that there will be more labor-intensive programs like the ones that have been implemented in the following years

Heri Kusdiana, Secretary of the Sukaresik Sub-district gave his response to the implementation of the labor-intensive program “This labor-intensive activity really helps our community and is felt by the community well and thank God at this time we will also get labor-intensive activities around the railroad track. In the future, we hope for other assistance, because on the one hand, our economy is still lagging, especially since we are currently affected by the COVID-19 pandemic," said Heri.

In addition, residents also had the opportunity to directly hear the people's representatives of their choice and expressed their gratitude for the labor-intensive activities. Residents also expressed their aspirations for the Government to build a footpath at the edge of the train to facilitate residents' activities, as well as for the Government to build the closest station to their location of residence.

"Currently, the train is very comfortable and the shaking can be minimized. Besides that, there are no more traders on the train," said the Head of Cikole Village who was also present at the event. Perhaps the railway service can be programmed as soon as possible, it can be programmed as soon as possible the railroad crossings can have doors so that the safety of citizens can be guaranteed, he hoped. "Thank you Railways, apart from being able to provide service, can also give you a sense of pride," he added.

Harno responded to the community's statement, regarding the reactivation of the station which is expected by the surrounding community "If there is a station, as long as there is demand it can be made there, later we will discuss it with PT KAI, indeed there is demand here because actually more stations do not mean better but fewer stations are not getting any better, so there are a certain number of stations. If there is a need, we can wake up. said Harno.

“Economic trains are currently still subsidized by the government or what is known as PSO, so we use the tax money that you pay for the trains. The government only facilitates, explained Harno.

Regarding level crossings, Harno stated that level crossings require calculations and if the results show that they are feasible to be completed, they will be equipped with doorstops and staff. We will do our best for this country, close Harno

During the visit and the distribution of gifts and compensation to the surrounding community, Islamic boarding school students and labor-intensive participants symbolically and closed with a prayer by local religious leaders.

At the end of the event, Thoriq Hidayat together visited the labor-intensive locations and did the laying of stones together with Harno.

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