Bogor (3/12)-Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives Thursday morning carried out a specific working visit led by Robert Rouw to the construction site of the Bogor - Sukabumi double-track railways at Batu Tulis Station, Bogor (2/12/2021)

Present to accompany the Director of Railways Infrastructure, Harno Trimadi, and the Head of the West Java Region Railways Engineering Office, Erni Basri, along with the team and Deputy Mayor of Bogor, Dedie Rachim.

In his remarks, the Director of Railways Infrastructure said that we would preserve this Heritage Station from Batutulis Station to Cicurug Station.

"We deliberately created this room so that we can feel the atmosphere of the old station in an extraordinary design," added Director of Railways Infrastructure.

On that occasion, in front of Commission V of the House of Representatives of the Republic of Indonesia, the Director of Infrastructure explained the work on the construction of the Bogor - Sukabumi Double Track Railways.

In addition, the Deputy Mayor of Bogor said regarding the National Strategic Project in the City of Bogor "currently in Bogor there is a national strategic project for the development of this double track which is also in direct contact with 3,000 heads of families who we have successfully relocated with spirituality. And Alhamdulillah, nothing has happened. then sticking out and worrying and we can do it gently, “explained Dedie.

Dedie said there are things that need to be supported in structuring the area around Batutulis Station. Such as the construction of a ramp that connects the side road to the Batutulis Palace to the Cipaku street.

Dedie also hopes that after the construction of the double-track is completed, the arrangement must be carried out. Especially to add other service facilities such as TOD and park and ride.

Meanwhile, group leader Robert Rouw stated that a specific working visit was carried out in order to directly observe the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi double track as a supporting infrastructure for the mobility of passengers and goods.

Robert also added that Commission V of the Indonesian House of Representatives supports the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi double track in an effort to improve service quality, increase traffic capacity, minimize the cost of transporting goods and logistics distribution, reduce the burden of traffic and highway congestion as well as travel time efficiency between Bogor-Sukabumi which can be have an impact on increasing community productivity, he explained.

This working visit we saw and heard directly and to take an inventory of the problems in the construction of the Bogor – Sukabumi double track to be followed up. Commission V of the DPR-RI also asked the Directorate General of Railways and related stakeholders to pay attention to aspects of safety and comfort, explained Robert.

 Commission V of the DPR RI asks the Director-General of Railways and related stakeholders to pay attention to safety and security aspects as the main indicator in preparing adequate railway facilities and infrastructure so that people can use transportation that is smooth, safe, and comfortable.

Member of Commission V, Mulyadi added that "with the increase in railway infrastructure, it is hoped that more people will use rail services and the construction of the Bogor-Sukabumi double track is expected to provide impetus for economic growth and regional potential which will have an impact on improving the standard of living and welfare of the community.

The double-track development must still involve stakeholders in the region so that it can be integrated with the regional development blueprint, such as TOD Development and so that development becomes a solution, not just a legacy.

"The government must be proactive and synergize with the local government so that the Bogor City Government's blueprint is connected to the government's blueprint," said Mulyadi.

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