In the administration of government, there is always a need for continuous efforts, each of which can provide changes or improvements with the aim of creating a clean government (Good Governance). Every government agency needs to be developed to further improve public services, efficiency, effectiveness, and performance in order to build public trust in the implementation of its main tasks and functions, and authority. Furthermore, it is intended to further strengthen the implementation of performance accountability by government agencies as a form of accountability in achieving the vision, mission, goals, objectives, and policies that have been determined by a work unit.

         The Directorate of Railway Facilities is a work unit within the Directorate General of Railways in accordance with Minister of Transportation Regulation Number 67/2021 concerning Organization and Work Procedures of the Ministry of Transportation. In the fourth quarter of 2022, it has compiled and implemented programs covering the fields of development and supervision of facilities, management of state-owned facilities, and feasibility of facilities according to the vision, mission, and objectives to be achieved.

         Furthermore, based on the work program and the implementation that has been carried out, an accountability report on the performance of the task implementation during the current year 2022 is prepared in the form of the 4th Quarter Performance Achievement Monitoring Report of the Directorate of Railway Facilities, Directorate General of Railways.

          With the compilation of the Quarter IV Performance Outcome Monitoring Report, it is hoped that it can provide an overview, evaluation, and motivation in an effort to improve the achievement of organizational performance in managing resources, including human resources, funds, and time for implementing activities, as well as the results, benefits, and impacts of activities. This Quarter IV Performance Outcome Monitoring Report is certainly very far from perfect, and in order to perfect this report, it is expected that there will be constructive input, criticism, and suggestions.

The Directorate of Railway Facilities Quarter IV Performance Achievement Monitoring Report 2022 document can be downloaded at the link below:
