The Directorate of Railway Facilities Performance Agreement 2022

The 2022 Performance Agreement (PK) is a document that must be prepared immediately after the budget is approved. Wherein accordance with The Minister of Transportation Regulation No. PM 85/2020 concerning the implementation of the Performance Accountability System for Government Agencies at the Ministry of Transportation, the Echelon II level Performance Agreement (PK) document which must be completed no later than 20 working days of the current year and can be revised under the following conditions: 

  1. Officials replacement or transfer
  2. Strategies reversal that affect the achievement of goals and objectives
  3. Priorities or assumptions reversal that have a significant impact on the process of achieving goals and objectives.

The 2022 Performance Agreement (PK) document includes information on Activity Targets, Activity Performance Indicators, one-year targets and action plans for the beforesaid Performance Agreement (PK). In addition, this document also presents Activity Performance Indicators (IKK) and is in line with the Annual Performance Plan (RKT) and Strategic Plan (Renstra) documents which provide a reference on work programs and activities that must be implemented in the current year and can be used as a measurement of performance targets. at the Directorate of Railway Facilities for the  Fiscal Year 2022.


The 2022 Performance Agreement (PK) document can be downloaded at the link below:
