Director of Railways Rolling Stock,a.i. Conducts Monitoring Work Evaluation of KfW Electric Train KRL and State-Owned Facilities at PT INKA (PERSERO) Madiun

Director of Railways Rolling Stock,a.i. and The Head of the Procurement Section of Railways Facilities, a.i. and the staff of the Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock have carried out monitoring and evaluation activities for the work of KfW Electric Trainand State-Owned Facilities at PT INKA (Persero) Madiun which took place from 24 to 27 August 2021. This activity is also one of the implementations of the duties and The function of the Directorate of Railways Rolling Stock is to prepare evaluation and reporting materials in the management of state-owned railway facilities.

The monitoring and evaluation activities are intended to find out the current conditions and the progress of the construction of state-owned railway facilities that are ongoing and located at PT INKA (Persero). In the implementation of this monitoring, there are several state-owned railway facilities that are being worked on by PT INKA (Persero), including the revitalization of 10 (ten) Trainsets (@4 units) KRL KfW, procurement of 1 unit of Track Motor Car (TMC) with a track width of 1435, as well as the procurement of 1 unit of measuring train for railway infrastructure.

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