Vision and Mission of the Directorate of Railway Rolling Stocks:

The Directorate of Railway Facilities has the vision of “Directorate General of Railways Rolling Stocks that is Reliable, Competitive, Integrated, Technological, Synergized with Industry, Affordable and Able to Respond to the Challenges of Developments in service to the President and Vice President to realize the Vision and Mission of the President and Vice President: Sovereign Advanced Indonesia , Independent and have a personality based on mutual cooperation”.

From the vision above, it can be explained as follows:

  • Reliability is indicated by the quality of rail transportation services that are safe, comfortable and on time. With adequate connectivity, capacity and regularity, and supported by adequate and well-maintained facilities, infrastructure.
  • Competitiveness is indicated by the implementation of efficient rail transportation so that it can compete with other transportation modes in a healthy manner in realizing an effective and efficient national transportation system supported by professional, independent and productive supporting human resources.
  • Technology is indicated by the application of technology according to developments and needs in the operation of the railway.
  • Affordable is indicated by the availability of train services that are affordable by every level of the economy and all social groups in an equitable manner throughout the territory of the Republic of Indonesia that require the presence of train services.

The Directorate General of Railways Rolling Stocks carries out the Mission of the President and Vice President, namely a Productive, Independent and Competitive Economic Structure with the following description:

  1. Improve the connectivity, capacity and integration of the railway network;
  2. Improving safety and security with renewable technology in the railway sector;
  3. Improve services with competent human resources to increase productivity in the railway sector.