The Meaning of Regular Multi Tie Tamper Maintenance

Multi Tie Tamper (MTT) facilities have vital functions needed for maintaining railway infrastructure. Accurate management is needed so that the railway facilities remain reliable and can carry out railway infrastructure maintenance work optimally.


Early in the morning the team left for the MTT location using the Trans Sulawesi train public transportation facilities. The train traveled from Mandai Ma'rumpa Railway Station in Maros Regency and arrived at Tanate Rilau Station on time. The distance of approximately 75 km takes no more than two hours' journey. That day the weather was clear, the sky was bright blue, even though the sea breeze was quite strong, it did not hinder the task of inspecting the railway facilities.

Tanete Rilau Station, on the north side of the city of Makassar, South Sulawesi, is the destination of the Railway Facility Monitoring Team for the Railway Maintenance Center. There is one Multi Tie Tamper (MTT) produced by Matisa which is near the station location, precisely in the Barru Railway Infrastructure Warehouse belonging to the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation. Head of the Railway Maintenance Center, Prayudi, flew to South Sulawesi with a team last August to inspect the special equipment.

The instructions from the Head of the Railway Maintenance Center are clear, the railway facilities must be SO (Ready for Operation), including the Matisa MTT at the Barru Warehouse. "There is no story that the state-owned facilities that we manage are TSO (Not Ready for Operation), make sure maintenance work is carried out in an accountable manner, everything must have careful analysis and observation in the field, use time effectively," stressed Prayudi during a briefing with the maintenance team before implementation. inspection is carried out.

Upon arrival at the location, the team coordinated with the staff of the South Sulawesi Railway Management Center and work partners who were ready to operate the Matisa MTT to check the function of the facilities.

Without wasting time, the entire team immediately got to work checking the MTT. The inspection method is carried out by visual observation, component function tests and checking the MTT tamping function test around the Barru Gudang Prasarana emplacement. All MTT components are scanned using a facility check sheet, including engine components, pneumatic systems for the facility braking function, then a series of tamping tools, lining sensors, trolley components, electricity, hydraulic systems, bogie and wheel components, facility safety chain facilities, and mechanical components including inspection the go no go item section that must be fulfilled before the facility is operated.

It was seen that the tamping tool on the MTT Matisa was being functionally tested by the team, including the roller clamp component. MTT walked a few meters to make a match. This must be done to determine the condition of the MTT tamping system. The tamping system is a series of tamping tools that are connected to a hydraulic system as the driving force, and a lining sensor as a movement indicator regulator. One day is not enough, the second day the checks are continued simultaneously continuing the first day's examination.

Small details of the facilities did not escape observation, such as the cables in the engine room, alternator cables, working lights, and even the indicator corridor lights on the ASP service desk did not escape being noted. Then, ensure that there are no indications of lubricating oil seepage on the bearings and gearbox. The condition of the main MTT components on the tamping leaf is physically checked one by one to ensure that nothing is chipped, because this condition can disrupt operations in the field.

All observations are recorded in full on the inspection checksheet, including any findings that must be followed up by the team. After the inspection, the MTT Matisa unit was returned for stabling in the facility building where the facilities are stored, the Barru Railway Infrastructure Warehouse. Indoor storage is carried out as an effort to mitigate the risk of damage to facilities due to weather factors and other external factors, outside of operational usage factors.

The data contained in the checksheet is then analyzed to get an idea of ​​the actual condition of the MTT facilities based on factual findings in the field. The results of the analysis of the MTT supervisory staff, in general, concluded that the MTT Matisa can function to check ballast normally, but even though the function is good, there are several minor notes that must be followed up so that the facility can be operated on railroad crossings, meaning there are several spare parts. parts that need to be replaced so that they do not disrupt the operation of facilities in rail line maintenance work in the field.

It doesn't take long, the need for spare parts is immediately coordinated with the BMN Railway Maintenance Center staff to carry out replacements in a short time. This kind of alertness in maintaining railway facilities is necessary, because calls for duty to operate MTTs on rail line improvement work can be requested at any time and are needed at a fast pace.

The Railway Maintenance Center within its authority manages 13 special equipment facilities of the Multi Tie Tamper type. All MTTs which are State-Owned Facilities (SMN) are spread across several regions of the archipelago. Until this article was written, three MTT units each were in West Java and North Sumatra, then two units each in South Sumatra and South Sulawesi, then one MTT unit each in Central Java, Jakarta and Aceh.

There are several brands and types of MTT from the thirteen facilities managed. Three MTTs with the Plasser & Theurer 09-16 CSM brand are Single Sleeper type, four MTTs with the Plasser & Theurer 09-32 CSM brand are Duomatic type, two Plasser & Theurer brand MTTs are Unimat Compact 08-275/3S, two Harsco brand MTTs and two they are MTT brand Matisa.

As with the inspection of the Matisa MTT in South Sulawesi, MTT supervisory staff and the Railway Maintenance Center technical team carried out parallel inspections on MTTs in other locations. Inspection of facilities in the field is one of the mechanisms for monitoring the actual and factual conditions of SMN. The results of the analysis made by MTT supervisory staff become a reference in carrying out MTT maintenance, both periodic maintenance and restoring component function and replacing spare parts. The task of always ensuring the MTT is in SO (Ready for Operation) condition at all times, is carried out by the entire MTT Supervisory Team and MTT Technical Team in the field. The good results of the SMN management process were felt when MTT was sometimes asked to carry out infrastructure maintenance work, for example to improve rail lines in certain plots. Like when MTT received a call for a match in the Bandung area, West Java and the Solo-Wonogiri area, Central Java at the start of the second semester of 2024. The review is in another section of this bulletin. (yogo)

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