Semarang (16/12) – Approaching the Christmas New Year Holiday, the Head of the Class I Railways Engineering Office for the Central Java Region attended the Transportation Control Coordination Meeting during the 2021 Christmas and New Year 2022 holidays which was held at the Gradhika Bakti Praja Building, the Office of the Governor of the Java Province Government Central on Monday, December 16, 2021. The meeting was chaired by the Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture (PMK), the Minister of Transportation, and the Governor of Central Java, and was attended by the Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of Central Java, Regional Leadership Coordination Forum of Semarang City, Director of Operational of Jasa Raharja, Head of Services Raharja Central Java Main Branch, representatives from the Central Java Regional Police and representatives from the Diponegoro Military Command IV. Apart from offline, the coordination meeting was also held online which was virtually attended by Regency/City Forkompinda throughout Central Java and related agencies.

In the meeting, it was explained about the preparations of the Central Java Provincial Government and related agencies. Representatives from the police conveyed about security and plan to anticipate traffic jams during the Nataru period. The Minister of Transportation, Budi Karya Sumadi said that the volume of people who carried out mobility during the Naru period was estimated to be as many as four million travelers who would enter the Central Java region. “Then it is very important for the authorities to start managing the traffic. He also urges people who intend to use tourist vehicles to choose a vehicle that has undergone a ramp check or physical examination and complete documents," said the Minister of Transportation.

Meanwhile, Coordinating Minister for Human Development and Culture, Muhadjir Effendy assessed that so far Central Java had made various preparations to face Nataru. Now it's just a matter of waiting for the execution and there may be adjustments if something unexpected happens. He also said there were still a few days before Nataru. For this reason, the scenarios that have been agreed and circulated in the SE Ministry of Home Affairs Numbers 66 and 67 will serve as guidelines unless there are very sudden changes and policy adjustments need to be made," said the Coordinating Ministry for Human Development and Cultural Affairs

On the occasion, the Governor of Central Java, Ganjar Pranowo also added that Central Java's preparations included the formation of an integrated coordination post team, crisis center, establishing service and monitoring posts at terminals, airports, stations, ports, toll rest areas, and in border areas, as well as installing CCTV in borders, toll exits, markets, tourist attractions, and other places. He also explained that his party had intensively carried out socialization by collaborating with a number of Central Java community associations in various big cities that appealed to the public not to go home during the 2021 Nataru holiday period.

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