BTP Padang as Railway Regulator in West Sumatra

Padang - Perhaps there are still many who do not know that West Sumatra (West Sumatra) has a Technical Implementation Unit (UPT) of the Class II Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Padang under the Directorate General of Railways (DJKA), Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenhub RI).

Since 2015, the Ministry of Transport has established the Class II Railway Engineering Centre for the West Sumatra region through the Minister of Transport Regulation No. PM 63 of 2014 as amended by the Minister of Transport Regulation No. PM 36 of 2022 concerning the organization and working methods of the Railway Engineering Centre to become the Class II Railway Engineering Centre Padang (BTP).

BTP Padang is responsible for improving, developing, managing, maintaining, and utilizing railway infrastructure, and supervising railway construction and safety.

Located at Jalan Kartini Number 19, Padang Barat, Padang City, West Sumatra, BTP Padang is managed by a Head of Center which consists of three working units including the Head of Administration Subdivision, Head of Railway Infrastructure Section and Head of Railway Traffic, Facilities and Safety Section.

Three service unit coordinators (Korsatpel) namely Korsatpel Padang Panjang, Korsatpel Sawahlunto, and Korsatpel Padang Pariaman will also support BTP Padang in 2023.

If so far the public only knows PT KAI (Persero) Divre II West Sumatra which takes care of the railways in West Sumatra, it turns out that PT KAI here acts as an operator or manager of its facilities, while BTP Padang is a regulator that takes care of the infrastructure and owners of railway assets in West Sumatra. (RAH)

Public Relations of Padang Railway Engineering Center


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