Social media as a platform for interaction and communication with the community.

Padang-Since 2019, the Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Class II Padang has aggressively disseminated railway information and engaged the public via social media, particularly Instagram. This is done to connect with the community, as the number of social media users grows under technical advancements.

"Social media users today are quite diversified. From young individuals to the elderly, they have used social media as a communication tool and a repository for all available information. Endang Setiawan, Head of BTP Padang, stated that it is extremely appropriate for us to use social media as a medium to convey news on the development of railroad infrastructure in West Sumatra.

In addition to conveying information, Instagram social media (@btppadang) can be used as a tool to accommodate community aspirations and complaints, given that BTP Padang still faces numerous challenges, one of which is the theft of railroad assets on both non-active and active lines.

"We benefit significantly from social media. Aside from the office hotline phone, we frequently receive complaints via social media since information may be sent to us more swiftly, allowing us to respond to complaints received more promptly," said the office Head.

According to Gamble, Teri, and Michael in Communication Works, the use of social media as a communication medium is also consistent with the characteristics of social media itself, namely messages conveyed not only to one person but to many people; messages conveyed are also free; message recipients determine the time of interaction; and messages are conveyed faster.

"Of course, BTP Padang as a technical implementation unit of the Directorate General of Railways, Ministry of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia which has a service function, namely providing the best service for the people of West Sumatra, uses social media as a shortcut to inform the latest issues with the current and simpler methods," said the Head, who is frequently referred to as Pak Ndang.

As a result, it is hoped that both parties would use social media as a conversation forum to have a constructive impact on the community and BTP Padang itself. 

Public Relations for Padang Railway Engineering Center (RAH)


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