Travelers' Safety and Comfort Are Improved by CLC Install

Padang-The Railway Engineering Center (BTP) Class II Padang has installed Concrete Level Crossing (CLC) or precast concrete at 7 level crossing points in West Sumatra (West Sumatera). The improvement of safety facilities that aims to provide the best service provides positive action to the road user community.

The use of CLC is considered superior to asphalt, wood, rubber, cast-in-place concrete, or a combination of concrete and rubber because the concept of CLC is precast concrete so the quality of concrete is better maintained than conventional concrete. CLC modules are designed per segment so that they can adjust to the road width requirements. Modules that apply the knockdown concept will also facilitate the installation and maintenance process of the railroad.

One of the public said that their trip when passing through level crossings that use CLC feels safer and more comfortable when passing, "cool and more safety, so no longer feel anxious when passing, especially if it rains," said Ade Suhendra when giving his response about the construction of CLC in Tabing.

Likewise, Dian was met by BTP Padang Public Relations when crossing the CLC a few moments ago. In addition to feeling happy with the installation of the CLC, she also shared her experience before the CLC was installed.

"I am certainly happy if all railroad level crossings are installed with CLCs because I myself have had bad incidents when crossing at crossings that have not used CLCs. I once fell while crossing at night and it was also raining," Dian said.

She added that level crossings that have a slope such as in Lubuk Buaya and Tabing are prone to falling for motorcyclists in particular.

"At that time, it was raining at night with minimal lighting, when I passed the crossing there were already three motorcycles that had slipped. Apart from being slippery, the many holes in the crossing also cause many motorcycles to slip," he added.

"I hope that CLCs can be installed at several vulnerable level crossings like this so that travel is safer and more comfortable," he hoped.

Previously, BTP Padang had installed CLCs at 7 points in West Sumatra, namely at JPL No. 01 KM 0+805 on Jalan Dr. Wahidin; JPL No. 07 KM 6+850 at Simpang Haru; JPL No. 08 KM 8+794 in Jati; JPL No. 09 KM 9+136 at Simpang Haru. 09 KM 9+136 at Masjid Raya Intersection; JPL No. 17 KM 15+840 in front of Aroma Kitchen, Tabing; JPL No. 20 KM 64+120 on Siti Manggopoh Street; and JPL No. 21 KM 69+315 on Pariaman-Naras. (RAH)

Public Relations of Padang Railway Engineering Center


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