Directorate of Traffic and Railway Transport Won 1st Rank for Implementation of SAKIP Echelon II Units in 2022

Jakarta - The process of evaluating the Performance Accountability System of Government Agencies in implementing bureaucratic reform of Government agencies within the Ministry of Transportation in 2022 has been completed. The Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi handed over the Award to the Echelon I Work Unit which had implemented the Government Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) well.
The top three work units that were considered the best were the Directorate General of Railways, the Jabodetabek Transportation Management Agency (BPTJ) and the Transportation Policy Agency (BKT). The presentation of the 2022 Ministry of Transportation SAKIP award was carried out as a form of appreciation and appreciation to government agencies that have been able to demonstrate various changes and innovations in the governance of government bureaucratic reform within the Ministry of Transportation.
"Kemenub targets that in 2024 it can increase the value of SAKIP which is assessed annually by the Ministry of Administrative and Bureaucratic Reform," said the Minister of Transportation in Jakarta, Thursday (19/1).

The Directorate of Traffic and Rail Transport won the 1st Rank award in the 2022 Implementation of the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP) for the Echelon II Work Unit Category. The award was presented by the Minister of Transportation. Meanwhile, the Echelon I Work Unit of the Directorate General of Railways won the 2022 SAKIP Rank 1 award with a score of 88.62.

The Minister of Transportation stated that the signing of this integrity pact was a form of the Ministry of Transportation's commitment to maintaining integrity and implementing clean and professional governance.

"I hope that in 2023 we can be smarter in managing the budget, do creative financing, oversee and implement the 2023 program and always prioritize the principles of good governance." said Minister of Transportation Budi Karya Sumadi.

#Directorate General of Railways

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