Autonomous Tram Operational Readiness in IKN

Penajam Paser Utara (13/8) Director of Traffic and Railway Transportation Mr. Arif Anwar, accompanied by Mrs. Joice as Head of Sub-Directorate of Network Arrangement and Development and the Related Teams from Sub-Directorate of PPJ who were assigned to conduct a visit to the Indonesian Capital City (IKN) in order to prepare for the Autonomous Tram operation in IKN. Currently, there is one series of autonomous trams in IKN. In the initial stage, the autonomous tram will function as a feeder vehicle for participants in the Indonesian Independence Day ceremony, with a cruising speed of 40 km/hour on Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Barat and Jalan Sumbu Kebangsaan Timur.

The Integrated Autonomous Tram is a new technology in land transportation, combining the light rapid transit (LRT) or light rail transportation system and autonomous buses. The presence and trial of the Integrated Autonomous Tram is one of the government's real steps in realizing IKN as an environmentally friendly city based on sophisticated technology, as well as being an example for the development of other cities in Indonesia.

Based on its type, tram trains are divided into:

Autonomous trams:
• Use magnetic markings or nails
• Use batteries
• Autonomous
• Longer and have two faces like trains/trams in general
• Uses a katanari system
• Uses rails

Here are the specifications of the autonomous tram in the capital city of the archipelago


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