The Nataru Transport Post 2022/2023 in the Railways Sector has been successfully implemented

The Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 Transport Period has ended.

The Directorate General of Railways together with the organizers of railway facilities/operators have implemented Supervision Posts for the Implementation of Christmas 2022 and New Year 2023 Transportation in the Railways Sector (Nataru 2022) divided into 3 (three) time periods namely Supervision Posts During the Pre-Nataru Transport Period (December 5 2022 to 18 December 2022), Monitoring Post during the Nataru Transportation Period (December 19 2022 to January 3 2023), and Monitoring Post During the Nataru Transportation Period (January 4 2023 to January 10 2023).

In order to support the smooth running of Nataru 2022 Transportation, a facility ramp check has been carried out (250 locomotives and 1612 trains), safety ramp check (infrastructure and human resources), and SPM ramp check (132 stations and 95 trains) in the Java, Sumatra and Sulawesi regions. Based on data from December 19 2022 to January 3 2023, the average number of daily Intercity Rail passengers this year was recorded at 143,912 people/day, down 20% when compared to 2019. Meanwhile, the total number of Intercity Train passengers this year was 2,302. 592 people, down 20% when compared to 2019. The peak of Intercity rail transportation occurred on Friday 23 December 2022 (170,553 people). Based on data from 19 December 2022 to 3 January 2023, the average number of daily urban rail passengers this year was 937,429 people/day, a decrease of 9.5% compared to 2019. Meanwhile, the total number of urban rail passengers this year was 14,998,858 people, down 9.5% when compared to 2019. The peak of urban rail transportation occurred on Thursday 22 December 2022 (1,002,464 people).

The total number of Intercity Train trips on the Nataru 2022 Transportation is 3,581 trips, with an average of 224 trains/day. Meanwhile, the total urban rail trips for the Nataru 2022 transportation are 3,056 trips, with an average of 1,910 trains/day. The actual number of additional trains operated by PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) is 6,200 trips (an average of 51 trains/day).

The accuracy of Intercity Train travel on the Nataru 2022 Transportation reaches 85%, with an average departure delay of 3.47 minutes and an arrival delay of 8.52 minutes. Meanwhile, the accuracy of the Urban Railroad trips in the Nataru 2022 Transport reaches 90.5%, with an average departure delay of 1.31 minutes and an arrival delay of 1.95 minutes. Based on data from PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero), as many as 5,989 railroad passengers have carried out booster vaccines organized by PT. Kereta Api Indonesia (Persero) at several major stations.

The success of organizing the 2022 Christmas and 2023 New Year Transportation Posts in the Railways Sector is inseparable from several obstacles, both internal and external factors. However, from the several obstacles that occurred, joint follow-up was carried out by various parties in accordance with their respective duties and used as future improvements so that the obstacles did not recur.
Our hope for the Nataru Transportation Post in the future will be better implementation than the previous year, both in terms of facilities, infrastructure and services.


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