Technical Assistance for the Implementation of SAKIP within the Directorate of LLAKA

Yogyakarta (23/2) The Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transportation held a Technical Assistance for the Government Agency Performance Accountability System (SAKIP). This activity was carried out in the context of implementing SAKIP and preparing reports and supporting data for SAKIP within the LLAKA Directorate.

SAKIP is a systematic series of various activities, tools and procedures designed for the purpose of performance management and measurement of data collection, classification and performance reporting in government agencies, within the framework of accountability and performance improvement of government agencies.

In his remarks, Mr. Jumanto, as the Administrative Coordinator of the Directorate of LLAKA hopes that all employees of the Directorate of LLAKA can build synergy together between individuals, between sub-directorates within the Directorate of LLAKA so that in the future it can provide higher awareness to pay attention and actively participate in the reporting system to be truly responsible about SAKIP. In addition, this technical guidance aims to equalize perceptions related to SAKIP supporting data and e-performance applications, and improve understanding of data management based on SAKIP principles, as well as share knowledge about SAKIP implementation in the LLAKA Directorate work unit.


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