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Head of South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center Participates in Public Service Advertisement to Support Efforts to Increase Reading Enthusiasm

The Head of South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center, Rode Paulus G.P., S.Si.T., M.T., participated in the production of a public service announcement initiated by the South Sumatra Provincial Library Office on Monday, 13 May 2024. This advertisement aims to promote the culture of literacy and increase the love of reading among the people of South Sumatra.

In this advertisement full of educational messages, Rode Paulus G.P., S.Si.T., M.T. appears as one of the main characters. His participation shows the commitment of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center in supporting literacy programs initiated by the local government.

The production of public service announcements takes place at the Bumi Sriwijaya LRT station. The Bumu Sriwijaya station was chosen because it has a reading corner that provides various types of books for South Sumatra LRT passengers to read. Passengers can read existing books or read digitally while using the station.

In addition to Rode Paulus G.P., S.Si.T., M.T., a number of other important personalities are also involved in this promotion, including Plt. Governor of South Sumatra, Dr. Drs. A. Fathoni, M.Si, Council Member, Dr. Hj. R.A. Anita Noeringhati, SH, MH, Chairman of Bank Sumsel Babel, Achmad Syamsudin, Head of South Sumatra Provincial Library Office, Muhammad Zaki Aslam, S.IP., M.Si, Executive General Manager of Angkasa Pura Airport SMB II, Iwan Winaya, and South Sumatra Police Chief, Inspector General of Police A Rachmad Wibowo, S.I.K.,

The production of this advertisement is expected to raise public awareness about the importance of reading and encourage them to use library facilities in South Sumatra. In addition, this advertisement is also expected to inspire the younger generation to make reading a part of their lifestyle.

With the collaboration of various important figures and agencies in South Sumatra, it is hoped that this literacy program can run successfully and have a significant positive impact on the community.

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