• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


One of the government-sponsored efforts to revive public transit is the use of feeders. The aim is to ensure intermodal connectivity. South Sumatra LRT has been using these feeder vehicles since 2023. And, of course, it is expected that the operation will be even better in 2024.

The head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS), Rode Paulus, said several things were evaluated from the implementation of the feeder in 2023. "Especially about the final destination of feeder passengers. We have to make sure whether they use it to continue to use the LRT or not," he said.

Based on the data, the use of the feeder has not been fully optimized. "Feeders are not exclusive to the final destination of South Sumatra LRT," he said. He gave an example of Corridor 3, which only absorbed 18 percent of the total feeder passengers. There is also Corridor 4, which only accounts for 40 percent of feeder passengers who continue to the South Sumatra LRT. Meanwhile, Corridor 7 absorbs only 28 percent.

He said so far the use of the feeder is still free and open to the public. "In the future, we must study whether the feeder can be paid. Or even if its use is specifically for those who ride the LRT alone," he said. The study will involve academics and local governments as local stakeholders.

There are currently 7 feeder corridors in operation. These include Corridor 1 on the Talang Kelapa-Talang Baruk route. Corridor 2 St. Asrama Haji-Sematang Borang route. Corridor 3 Jalan Asrama Haji-Talang Betutu. Corridor 4 Jalan Polresta-Komplek Perum.OPI. Corridor 5 Jalan DJKA-Terminal Plaju. Corridor 6 Jalan RSUD-Sukawinatan. And Corridor 7 Stadium Kamboja-Bukit Sigantang.

"Actually, according to the initial study, there should be 17 corridors. However, only 7 corridors are currently operational. Corridors 1-2 are managed by the Palembang city government. The rest are managed by BPKARSS. Hopefully, more feeders can be operated in the future," he said.

Last year, Rode said, Transportation Minister Budi Karya Sumadi said it was necessary to reroute feeder operations. The point was in the Plaju and Bukit areas. "We are still conducting a study on the need to reroute at these two points. But based on the data, the area is indeed congested," he said.

Meanwhile, Head of Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Aditya Yunianto said that the evaluation records of feeder management can be improved from time to time. In this way, the feeder vehicle service can be used by the community in a targeted manner. "So that the percentage of feeder users who take the LRT becomes higher," he said.


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