• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Technical Coordination Meeting of Directorate General of Railways Year 2023 - "Commitment to Achieve Year 2023 with Synergy in Railway Implementation"

The Directorate General of Railways held its Technical Coordination Meeting for the year 2023 on January 26-27, 2023, at the Merlynn Park Hotel in Central Jakarta. The primary purpose of the meeting was to ensure a common vision for the railway industry and to prepare operators and regional governments for the challenges ahead. The meeting aimed to enhance cooperation and collaboration with railway operators, fulfill commitments to the change program, and accelerate the 2023 program's realization and achievement.

The meeting began with the Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia's direction, followed by the Opening and Direction of the Director General of Railways. The subsequent session was the Internal Coordination Meeting of the Directorate General of Railways with the theme "Work Plan and Target Achievement Year 2023 and Commitment to Change." After the internal meeting, the Coordination Meeting of the Directorate General of Railways with the Regional Government (Provincial Government Transportation Office) took place. Finally, the meeting concluded with a Coordination Meeting of the Directorate General of Railways with Business Entities/Stakeholders in the Railway Sector.

The Minister of Transportation emphasized that enthusiasm and collaboration are necessary to achieve successful railway development. He highlighted that there are several major projects that must be completed according to the target, and that this cannot be achieved without collaboration and synergy among all stakeholders.

The Director General of Railways emphasized the importance of synergizing and coordinating the implementation of the railway program in line with the National Medium-Term Development Plan (RPJMN) and the Strategic Plan for 2020-2024. He highlighted that there are 14 National Strategic Projects (PSN) and 4 promises made by the President of the Republic of Indonesia in the field of Railways that are development priorities for the 2020-2024 period. These projects require the hard work and cooperation of all elements within the Directorate General of Railways. Therefore, the Director General stressed the need for all employees to pay attention to the Work Pattern within the Directorate General of Railways to ensure that all employees understand the workflow, from proposing activities to preparing technical documents, determining technical specifications, and implementing activities. By doing so, good work synergy can be realized.

During the Internal Meeting session, the Directorate General of Railways presented five points of Activity Plans and Achievement Targets as well as Commitments to Change. These points were related to the management of railway traffic and transportation, the implementation of railway infrastructure, the implementation of railway facilities, improving railway safety, and commitments to change related to internal services and management support.

The next session was an External Meeting with the Local Government (Provincial Government The next session was an External Meeting with the Local Government (Provincial Government Transportation Office) where the core of the discussion was the Change Program to be implemented by the Directorate General of Railways in 2023. The meeting discussed the need to increase the quantity and competence of human resources regulators, both at the Central Government and Local Government levels. It was also emphasized that there is a need for railway guidance by the Government (Law No. 23 of 2007 concerning Railways) as well as National Railway Guidance conducted by the Central Government. Furthermore, in conducting guidance, the Central Government and Local Governments must integrate railways with other modes of transportation. In this coordination meeting, it was expected that the Directorate General of Railways would be able to synergize and collaborate with Local Governments, including providing technical assistance in the provision and operation of infrastructure and mapping the competency development needs of Railway Regulator Human Resources.

The final session of the meeting was a Coordination Meeting between the Directorate General of Railways and Business Entities/Stakeholders. The discussion topic was "Increasing Synergy and Collaboration with Business Entities in Fulfilling RPJMN Targets, Strategic Plan and National Strategic Projects in the Railway Sector". The outcome of the session was the recognition of the need for collaboration and synergy between the Directorate General of Railways and Business Entities/Stakeholders in the railway sector, in order to achieve the development and operation targets of the railways in Indonesia. In addition, collaboration and coordination between regulators and operators are also needed in the preparation of revised regulations related to railway stations, determining upper and lower limit tariffs to support intermodal connectivity and multi-operator operations. Regarding the competence of employees of the Directorate General of Railways, an apprenticeship program will be conducted for railway operators/industries. There will also be training for examiners, railway inspectors and railway auditors in order to improve the competence of human resources for the implementation of more optimal railways and then placed in the field / station.

In accordance with the theme, namely "Commitment to Achieving 2023 with Synergy in the Implementation of Railways", hopefully in the future, the Directorate General of Railways can realize a good and optimal form of Synergy so that all goals, especially for 2023, can be achieved.


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