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Socialization of the Minister of Finance Regulation No. 119/2023: Efforts to Optimize the Use of the Official Budget

The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) conducted socialization related to the official travel rules stipulated in PMK Number 119/2023. This regulation is an amendment to the Minister of Finance Regulation Number 113/PMK.05/2012 on domestic official travel for state officials, civil servants, and non-permanent employees. This socialization aims to encourage employees to use the official budget appropriately.

Palembang Thomy Aribima, Technical Supervisor of the Palembang State Treasury (KPPN), said that the new regulation is in the spotlight because it is considered an important step in optimizing the use of the state budget. With the changes in the regulation, it is expected that there will be an increase in efficiency and transparency in the implementation of official travel among state officials, civil servants, and non-permanent employees.

One of the main points of PMK No. 119/2023 is a stricter regulation of official travel using the state budget. Officials and employees who take official trips are required to follow the established procedures and account for all expenses incurred during the official trip.

In an effort to encourage employees to use the official budget as intended, KPPN is also promoting training and workshops related to the use of electronic-based applications to monitor and evaluate official travel as intended. 

"The Service Travel Electronic System is an integrated system for the entire official travel process, which is managed by the ministry that carries out government affairs in the field of state finance, including planning, implementation, and accountability for official travel. So it can be developed," he said. 

According to him, the socialization of official travel rules is part of further efforts to optimize the use of the government budget. "We are also committed to maximize the use of electronic-based applications in official travel; this is the first step to achieve this goal," continued Head of BPKARSS Haris Farizi at the Ibis Palembang Sanggara Hotel on Monday 1 February 2024.

In addition, his party will also conduct regular monitoring and evaluation of the implementation of this official travel regulation. This step is taken to ensure that the set rules can be effectively implemented and have a positive impact on the management of the state budget.

It is expected that with this socialization, state officials, civil servants, and non-permanent employees will be more aware and responsible in the use of official budgets. In addition, it is expected that a better financial management culture will be created within government agencies to improve overall performance and public services.

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