• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

The First Central Station in Indonesia

Jakarta, is a Metropolitan city with more than 10.56 million inhabitants. Transportation infrastructure plays an important role as a means of citizen mobility. Rail-based mass transit infrastructure is one of the solutions amidst the problems of road congestion.

It is recorded in data from the Central Statistics Agency, every day, more than 336.27 million commuters enter and leave Jakarta. This number has decreased significantly due to the Covid-19 pandemic, namely to 154.59 million. But this amount is not a small amount. Currently, Indonesia has started to recover from the pandemic, the improving situation has increased the number of commuters every day.

For the information, traces of increased mobility of residents of the capital city began to be seen since the imposition of restrictions on community activities or PPKM at level 2 at the end of March 2022. Community mobility during PPKM level 2 (March 29-April 4 2022) seems to have increased compared to during PPKM level 3 (March 1-7 2022), and it is assessed that this number will continue to increase as the situation progresses towards a new normal.

Manggarai Station (MRI) is a type A large class train station located in Manggarai Village, Tebet District, South Jakarta. This station is the largest train station in DKI Jakarta with an area of ​​±2.47 ha. This station was built in 1918, has witnessed changes in the pattern of mobility of the people of the Capital.

In 2016 the Directorate General of Railways of the Ministry of Transportation began developing the Manggarai Station. This station began to be renovated by adding a new building with futuristic minimalist modern architecture to a total of three floors, namely:

The 1st floor of the station is an emplacement for the Commuter Line KRL and the airport KRL;
The 2nd floor is where the movement of passenger flows and the provision of passenger facilities;
The 3rd floor is used for KRL Bogor Line stops and also long distance trains.
The old station building, which is a legacy of the Staatsspoorwegen, will be maintained because it has status as a cultural heritage based on Governor's Decree No. 475 Years. 1993, March 29, 1993; Minister of Tourism No. 011/M/1999, 12 January 1999; Minister of Culture and Tourism Decree No: PM.13/PW.007/MKP/05, 25 April 2005.

The progress of the construction of the Manggarai station on the west side has been carried out since 2016 and completed in mid-2020, but to complete the needs for operational support services and the needs for integration with other modes (Trans Jakarta), this station will only be operational in September 2021.

Implementation of Phase 1 of the Manggarai Station Development includes the construction of the West Side of the Manggarai Station which includes the building along with the Bogor line emplacements and the Airport Railway line, as well as the construction of integration facilities in the form of a skybridge.


In addition, the construction of the Manggarai Station Phase 2 includes the construction of the East Side Manggarai station which includes buildings and emplacements for commuter lines and long-distance train lines. Work on phase 2 is still ongoing and is targeted for completion by the end of 2025.

It is planned that Manggarai Station will be the first Central Station in Indonesia with a target of serving more than 2 million KRL passengers per day. Manggarai Station is a hub station for seven railroad crossings consisting of a train line that goes to Jatinegara, directions to Jakarta Kota, directions to Tanah Abang, directions to Bogor, directions to the Bukit Duri KRL depot, directions to the Supply Warehouse Center, and towards Balai Yasa Manggarai. This makes Manggarai Station the busiest station serving more than 20,000 passengers and 616 KRL trips every day before the pandemic.

Manggarai Station was chosen as the central station because of its very strategic position and its very vital role in supporting train services in the capital city. With the current high train traffic at Manggarai Station and unraveling the bottlenecks that often occur. Apart from its strategic location in the center of the movement of people, Manggarai also provides not only KRL services, but also integration of KAJJ, Airport Trains, and Trans Jakarta Buses.

Manggarai Central Station will have 18 active lines, all of these lines will serve long-distance trains, Jabodetabek KRL, and Airport Trains, making it easier for people to change train services in one station building. Eight (8) of the 18 lines will be located on the ground floor and 10 flyovers on the 2nd floor, while the 1st floor will function as a concourse (open space at the station).

In the ultimate final development stage, Manggarai Station will also be equipped with 14 lifts and 14 escalators to support passenger movement. In addition to the addition of the track, at Manggarai Station there will also be an increase in the area of ​​the open space, as a meeting place for people passing by in the area (concourse), from which it has now been built. The concourse will be twice as wide as it is today, so that people will be more comfortable when making transit and other activities within the station. (sf). (11/22)

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