• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


The Supervisory Board of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) has provided several evaluations related to the management of the center and the management of the South Sumatra LRT in 2023. One of them is related to the optimization of modern and systematic services of the Public Service Agency (BLU).

Chairman of BPKARSS Dewas Joko Murdyono said there were two things that became important evaluation notes. Namely, the budget implementation indicators and the use of BLU website. He said that for the budget implementation, there is a red report card that must be corrected immediately.

Among other things, the deviation of page III DIPA related to contractual activities with RPD at the end of the month, but the third party is late in submitting the invoice. Thus, payment is deferred to the beginning of the following month.

Also, contractual expenses that have contractual registrations that are late in being registered with KPPN partners. For example, the contractual registration for the implementation of the South Sumatra LRT Feeder, which was carried out after the revision of the absolute value of rupiah budget provision, was released. "For these two things, we scored 7,26 and 8,55 percent, respectively," he said.

In another part, Joko added that regarding the management of the Hall's website and subsite, a study is still being conducted at the Center. Based on Ministerial Decree No. 112/2022, each echelon three unit/work unit cannot create a website. BPKARSS uses the DJKA subsite. Currently, the DJKA website is being developed to meet the needs of BLU BPKARSS. "We are currently coordinating with PPK BLU about tokens to integrate data into the website," said Joko.

Meanwhile, BPKARSS supervisory board member Mediya said that although there were various evaluations for BLU modernization, his party appreciated the work of BPKARSS. She said that in 2023, the budget absorption of the center reached 99,67 percent, which is the highest absorption in the General Directorate of Railways.

With the achievement of this absorption, it is hoped that the performance of BPKARSS will also increase in the coming year. Among other things, it can target passengers over 4 million, innovate passenger services, and, most importantly, promote the love of using public transportation.

He hopes that in 2024 there will be a new breakthrough of BPKARSS. The goal is to succeed the National Movement to Return to Public Transportation (GNKAU). "We must continue to promote this slogan. Because the South Sumatra LRT has become the backbone of transportation in Palembang in particular and South Sumatra in general," he said.


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