• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Strengthening small and medium enterprises through partnerships

The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) continues to develop partnerships with businesses. Especially in the Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME) sector. The aim is to support the local economy and encourage creativity and innovation.  

This commitment is realized, among other things, by the presence of MSME booths at the station. One of them is the DJKA booth. There are various products and businesses available for the public to visit and enjoy while using the South Sumatra LRT. Of course, this is quite helpful in increasing the income of business actors.

For example, consider what Mrs. Diana felt. The owner of snacks and small children's toys shared a positive experience while opening a tenant at DJKA station: "I feel the place is comfortable. I usually serve customers from children to adults," said the Lemabang resident.

According to her, the income at DJKA station is quite promising. An average day can bring a net profit of Rp. 60,000. In fact, there are also periods of decreasing income. But it doesn't happen often. "It depends on the condition. Sometimes it is very busy on certain days, such as during Edutrip and holidays. Sometimes it is quiet because there is no edutrip," he said. 

Based on his experience, the highest income of his MSME stall once exceeded Rp 2 million during Eid al-Fitr. "Now it's Ramadan. I hope my goods will sell well," Diana said. 

She said that many MSME businesses at DJKA stations feel that the existence of this trade center gives them the opportunity to grow and reach more customers. "I feel that the stations in South Sumatra LRT are strategic places to sell. Especially those close to crowded centers such as malls like this one in DJKA," she said.

hopes that in the future more and more business people will trade at the South Sumatra LRT station. It also encourages the growth of partnerships between South Sumatra LRT and business actors that benefit both parties. 


Written by Rella Annisa Putri

Bina Darma University Student


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