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Minister of Transportation Reviews Readiness of South Sumatra LRT to Welcome Lebaran Transportation

PALEMBANG - Minister of Transportation of the Republic of Indonesia Budi Karya Sumadi visited Palembang on Monday (11/3). During the visit, Budi rode the South Sumatra LRT from the Airport Station and stopped at Bumi Sriwijaya Station. This visit was to ensure the LRT was ready to serve as one of the modes of transportation for Lebaran 1445 H.

While walking around at Bumi Sriwijaya Station, he greeted frontliners and monitored the condition of passengers passing by. "One of the indicators of service success is how officers carry out their roles with the right SOP. As well as ensuring passengers are safe and comfortable in traveling," Special Staff to the Minister of Transportation for Human Resources and Public Relations Adita Irawati asserted when accompanying the Minister. 

Adita stated that, during Ramadan like now, it is crucial for the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) to assess the preparedness of South Sumatra LRT facilities and infrastructure to support services. "One of the key measures is a comprehensive ramp check involving various parties," she asserted.

The South Sumatra LRT conducted a ramp check from 26-29 February 2024 in cooperation with PT KAI and BTP (Railway Engineering Center) Class II Palembang. The results were clear: the facilities were in good condition, and the infrastructure was adequate. "There are some disturbances, but they are minor and can be overcome," he stated.

With the system now fully operational, he is confident that all officers will be able to handle the inevitable increase in passengers. From January to March 2024, 11,000 to 12,000 passengers used the South Sumatra LRT service. It will undoubtedly continue to grow, especially during Ramadan. Many people will be looking for an iftar menu, and the South Sumatra LRT will be the mode of choice for people to travel,” continued Adita.

The South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS), which, which is always the manager of the South Sumatra LRT (South Sumatra),, recorded a significant surge in passengers in the 2023 fiscal year. Based on data as of December 27, 2023, the number of South Sumatra LRT passengers reached 4,009,968 people. This figure exceeds passenger occupancy in 2022,, which reached 3,087,735 people. As well as passing the target in the 2023 fiscal year of 3 million passengers.

Since the operation of the South Sumatra LRT in 2018, the passenger graph shows an increasing trend. From 922,432 passengers in 2018, it rose to 2,619,159 in 2019. Although there was a decrease in 2020 due to COVID-19, namely 1,053,637 people, it increased again in 2021 by 1,599,133 people. Finally, it reached its peak in 2023 with 4 million passengers. In 2024, BPKARSS raised the target to 4.3 million passengers. “Of course there is a strategy for that. We must be optimistic that we can achieve it,” he said.

This achievement cannot be separated from community support. Adita hopes that the efforts that have been made can be maintained, and in 2024 there will be other innovations to attract people to use the South Sumatra LRT. “ LRT has become the backbone of transportation in South Sumatra in general and Palembang in particular. Therefore, the services provided must prioritize safety and comfort,” he said.

The goal is, of course, to encourage the National Movement Back to Public Transport (GNKAU) program. This movement can only happen if BPKARSS is supported by Regional Apparatus Organizations (Organisasi Perangkat Daerah/OPD), academics, and civil society as users. “We will continue to strive to make South Sumatra LRT the main transportation need in South Sumatra,” he concluded.


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