• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Occupancy Achieved, Improved Service, and Partnership Cooperation

The South Sumatra LRT (South Sumatra) has consistently demonstrated an upward trajectory in operational performance and services since its inaugural run during the 2018 Asian Games. This was explicitly stated by the Head of the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS), Rode Paulus GP, S.Si.T., MT, on Thursday, 22 February 2024.

LRT operations and services are improving rapidly and are excellent. The timeliness of the LRT, as reflected in its On Time Performance (OTP) rating, is above 99% on average. Furthermore, passenger satisfaction levels are exceptionally high, with a Passenger Satisfaction Index score of 3.6 on a 4-point scale and an overall satisfaction rating of 89.2 on a 100-point scale. South Sumatra LRT received the Ministry of Transportation's top award for excellence in public transportation in 2022. 

The South Sumatra LRT has also seen a steady increase in revenue every year since it first operated. In 2021 and 2022, the percentage increase was significant, reaching 114% after the impact of the pandemic. Revenue is also generated from advertising, naming rights, and other sources. 

The number of passengers continues to increase until 2023, reaching an average of 11.185 per day. In 2024, BPKARSS will continue to strive to increase the occupancy of South Sumatra LRT passengers through the implementation of various programs, activities, and collaborations. The organization is committed to providing the best service for the people of South Sumatra, particularly the residents of Palembang. 

"The objective for passenger numbers on the South Sumatra LRT in 2024 is 4.205.183. The revenue target for 2024, derived from both passenger and non-passenger sources, is 28 billion," Rode Paulus informed the press.

The South Sumatra LRT fare for Airport-DJKA is Rp. 10.000, Hajj Dormitory-DJKA is Rp. 5.000 and the integration fare (Hajj Dormitory-DJKA) is Rp. 2.000. The fare is still subsidized by the government; this is based on KM 247 of 2022 concerning the Third Amendment to the Decree of the Minister of Transportation Number Km 248 of 2021 concerning Tariffs for Transportation of People by Pioneer Railways. 

However, there are currently no plans to extend the LRT network. The South Sumatra LRT is focusing on increasing the occupancy of its existing lines by maximizing intermodal integration, namely Teman Bus and LRT feeders, to reach the South Sumatra area, particularly Palembang City. 


This article was written by Audia Rosita, a student at Bina Darma University.


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