• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


In order to increase the occupancy rate of light rail transit (LRT) in South Sumatra, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) regularly conducts edutrip and educational activities at the South Sumatra LRT station. The aim is to increase the number of students using LRT stations.

BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section Head Aditya Yunianto explained that there are several efforts that continue to be made. One of them is to provide special promotional packages for student groups using LRT services for educational visits. This package will include ticket discounts, learning support facilities inside the LRT, and tour guides who will provide information about the places they pass.

He said edutrip and educational activities can increase students' interest in using LRT as a means of transportation while giving them insights into various destinations around the LRT area. "This is also in line with efforts to educate the younger generation about the importance of using public transportation," he said.

Therefore, the South Sumatra LRT management welcomes various steps of cooperation with stakeholders in the field of education. "So we have a core unit. Its role is to establish relationships with educational institutions to develop educational programs that are in line with the curriculum," he said.

In addition to maximizing the core unit of BPKARSS, it also disseminates information related to edutrip and educational programs at LRT stations and collaborates with schools to conduct socialization among students and parents. This step is expected to create a better understanding among the public of the benefits of using the LRT, especially for students.

"We see this not only as an effort to increase occupancy but also as a proactive step to create a generation that cares about public transportation and the cultural heritage around them," he added.

With the expectation that the program can be a draw for students, BPKARSS plans to involve educational institutions in the process of developing Edutrip routes that meet curriculum needs. It also plans to involve the private sector and sponsors who can provide financial support for the smooth running of the program.

Optimism is high among all parties involved, and the people of South Sumatra are hopeful that these measures can have a significant positive impact. Not only in increasing the occupancy of the South Sumatra LRT, but also in creating the next generation that is smart, educated, and cares about the environment.


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