• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Health Post at South Sumatra LRT Station, Keeping Passengers Healthy Quickly and Effectively

In the midst of busy public transportation traffic, Poskes or Health Posts are one of the important elements of the public transportation system that is often overlooked. But for South Sumatra LRT, the Health Post (poskes) at the station plays a very important role in keeping passengers healthy quickly and effectively. 

In an interview with one of the Health Post officers, Lisa Marisa, at the South Sumatra LRT station, we get an in-depth insight into her duties and responsibilities in maintaining the health of passengers. Poskes plays an important role in providing fast and effective health services to South Sumatra LRT passengers who need help. 

He said that Poskes officers are ready to provide health services during the operating hours of the South Sumatra LRT, which runs from 05.06 until the last train at 20.30. In performing daily tasks, quick and effective response is key. First aid measures such as inserting oxygen tubes and administering medication are carried out quickly to ensure the well-being of passengers. 

            However, if the passenger's condition requires further treatment, the South Sumatra LRT Health Post works with other health agencies to provide more comprehensive services. "If the patient has entered the emergency category, we will immediately refer them to the nearest hospital," he said. The collaboration with other health agencies ensures that passengers who need further medical care can get the right treatment immediately. 

            In addition, the South Sumatra LRT Health Post has a strict selection process for prospective officers. "The selection process that must be passed to become a South Sumatra LRT Poskes officer includes requirements such as having an STR, drug-free letter, SKCK and health letter," he said. This ensures that the Poskes officers on duty at the South Sumatra LRT Station have adequate qualifications and competencies to provide health services to passengers. 

            With dedication and commitment to maintaining the health of passengers, Poskes at South Sumatra LRT station continues to play an important role in providing quality health services in the public transportation environment. In every trip, the presence of Poskes is a guarantee for passengers that health assistance is always available if needed.

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