Depok - The Railway Maintenance Center is in the position of the government UPT which manages large assets. Apart from the Ngrombo Workshop assets which are Balai's head office, then the Solo Jebres KRL Depot which only recently o
Padang –In an effort to strengthen the protection of railway assets, Balai Teknik Perkeretaapian Kelas II Padang (BTP Padang), through its Sawahlunto Service Unit (Satpel Sawahlunto), has intensified security measures by conduct
Padang - Level crossing safety is critical to the transportation system because they are frequently high-risk areas for accidents involving trains, pedestrians, and other road users.
Padang – Document archiving is a critical activity for any government institution, as it is directly related to the storage of records that document the history of policies, decisions, and actions taken by the government. Proper
Palembang – In an effort to enhance public service quality, Balai Pengelola Kereta Api Ringan Sumatera Selatan(BPKARSS) held a Service Excellent Training for its service staff on the LRT Sumatera Selatan in 2024.