• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia


In order to increase passenger comfort and occupancy at South Sumatra Light Rail Transit (LRT) stations, the South Sumatra Light Railway Management Center (BPKARSS) as the manager plans to hold a series of interesting events at various LRT stations.

The most recent one was held at the Cinde LRT Station on Saturday, 27 January 2024. BPKARSS organized cosplay and karaoke competitions. BPKARSS Facilities and Infrastructure Utilization Section Head Aditya Yunianto said the move was made as part of a continuous effort to improve services and create a positive experience for passengers. "We want to create LRT stations not only as transit hubs, but also as welcoming and entertaining public spaces," he said.

A variety of activities, from art performances to cultural exhibitions to food festivals, are planned. The goal is to create a more vibrant atmosphere around the LRT stations and encourage passengers to spend more time in the area.

In addition to the cosplay and karaoke performances that have already been organized, there is also an e-sports competition that will be launched in March. "We are targeting the younger generation with this activity. The goal is to encourage them to use public transportation. Just wait for the official information," says Aditya. 

In the future, there will also be a live music event in the form of LRTFest, which will be held in July 2024 to commemorate the anniversary of South Sumatra LRT. "We also don't forget the community. There must also be public discussions that are open to the public. This event is expected to create a more interactive atmosphere and bring passengers closer to various forms of art and entertainment," he said.

In addition, there will be a live music event in the future in the form of LRTFest, which will be held in July 2024 to commemorate the anniversary of the South Sumatra LRT. "We also don't forget the community. There must also be public discussions that are open to the public. This event is expected to create a more interactive atmosphere and bring passengers closer to various forms of art and entertainment," he said.

Increasing ridership through incentive programs tied to these events is also a key focus. Ticket discounts, loyalty programs, and attractive prizes will be introduced to increase the attractiveness of using the LRT as a means of daily transportation.

BPKARSS Public Relations Officer Fajar Anugrah Tumanggor revealed that the activities are sustainable. "We believe that by creating positive experiences at stations, passengers will feel more connected and more likely to continue using our public transport services," he said.

The strategy is expected to have a positive impact not only on ridership, but also on the image of LRT stations as centers of social and cultural activity in the city. The transformation is expected to serve as an inspiring model for other cities looking to increase public transportation use and provide a better experience for the public.


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