• Jl.Medan Merdeka Barat No.8 Jakarta Pusat 10110 - Indonesia

Technical Guidance for Preparation of Work Plan Budget Reports, TOR/RAB and Travel Accountability Reports within the LLAKA Directorate

Bekasi (20/5) The Administration Sub-Division of the Directorate of Traffic and Railway Transportation work unit held an internal Technical Guidance regarding the Preparation of Work Budget Plan Reports, TOR/RAB and Travel Accountability Reports within the Directorate of Traffic and Railway Transportation. This activity was led by the Coordinator of the Administration Group, Mr. Jumanto and attended by each representative of employees from the technical sub-directorate and PLLPAKA work unit. The implementation of the Technical Guidance Activity for the Preparation of Work Budget Plan Reports, TOR/RAB and Travel Accountability Reports was intended to be used as a guide for work units within the Directorate of Traffic and Railway Transportation in preparing Work Budget Plans in the context of implementing activities. So that orderly, efficient, effective, economical, transparent, participatory, innovative, and accountable budgeting documents can be prepared. In addition, by implementing this Technical Guidance, it can align the understanding of employees within the Directorate of Railway Traffic and Transportation in preparing the Travel Accountability Report.



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